Partners (test page)

The Gallatin Valley is home to many organizations that support our vision of community education and discussion. We are fortunate to have closer relationships with some that provide audio content that we feature on this site. Among them are:

Interchange Symposium

An interchange is a place on a highway where you leave the road you are on, to take a different direction. It’s where traffic all comes together and decides which way they want to go. It turns and twists and goes over and under.That is what we do at Interchange, except instead of traffic it’s ideas and passions and beliefs and expectations and stereotypes and fears. It’s our life’s “highway.” It’s where people that may never “pass” each other in everyday life, come together and share our journeys. It is a safe place to explore where we are going, how we will get there and the different routes that we can choose to take.

Extreme History Project

The Extreme History Project began as a means of making the humanities more fun, interesting and accessible to the general public and as a real means of generating social change. The Project encompasses a variety of events and activities that enhance the public’s understanding of how history has shaped our present and how understanding that legacy can affect the way we behave towards one another. Extreme History believes in setting a Truth Agenda which will work toward eradicating political and social agendas from the traditional historical narratives and pursue a more balanced and honest expression of the past.

Burton K. Wheeler Center for Public Policy

The Burton K. Wheeler Center for Public Policy in Bozeman, MT, promotes the discussion, analysis and eventual resolution of critical issues facing Montana and the region. The Center holds conferences, sponsors research and lectures, publishes conference reports and maintains this Web page for Montanans and others who are seeking solutions to some of today’s most pressing issues and problems.