Five-Day Fundraiser
We’re holding a five-day fundraiser from Mon., Mar. 3 through Fri., Mar. 7! We would greatly welcome your support – you can visit our support page to make an online donation, or find instructions for sending in or dropping off a donation. There’s an option to become a sustaining member of KGVM by setting up a monthly donation – even $5 or $10 a month goes a long way toward keeping us going!
Thanks for supporting your community radio station, KGVM!
State AA Football Playoffs
The Gallatin High Raptors have advanced to the semifinal round of the AA playoffs, and they will be facing Glacier High once again, but this year they will be here in Bozeman. If you can’t make it to the stadium for the game, you can listen here on KGVM. Friday night, Nov. 15, at 7:00 PM, Ian Laird will be calling the game live on 95.9 FM or streaming at
Election coverage
KGVM has been busily attending and recording forums for candidates and ballot initiatives that will appear on the general election ballot on Nov. 5, 2024. You can find the recordings at Election 2024. Note that KGVM does not endorse or oppose any candidate or ballot issue; we strive to provide information to help voters make an informed decision.
Sep. 27, 2024 Fundraiser
There will be a silent art auction of various interesting works, many by esteemed local artists, as well as entertainment by such artists as Susan Platt, jazz vocalist; playful photos with pro Shelley Saunders; a poetry reading with Greg Keeler and friends; and actor extraordinaire John Hosking’s rendition of “Two Tunes and a bit of Shakespeare.”
Join us! You will have a great and unusual evening!
McKibben Lecture
On Tuesday, Sept. 10, the Montana League of Women Voters organized a presentation by author, educator, and environmentalist Bill McKibben, titled “A Desperate Moment – But an Exciting One: Can We Turn the Corner on Climate?” The lecture was presented at the Emerson center for the Arts and Culture. The recording is available here.
School Board Candidate Forums
We have recordings of the forums for candidates for the school board elections in Belgrade and Bozeman, along with a presentation about the school bond issue in Belgrade, available in our Election 2024 section.
6th Birthday Fundraiser!
Our 6th anniversary of going on the air is coming up on May 11 – hard to believe it’s been 6 years! We’re hoping to raise $6,000 for our 6th birthday. If you enjoy the programming you hear on KGVM, with our focus on local events, news, lectures, environmental issues, music, arts, and more, we hope you will donate to support KGVM.
Bozeman: City for CEDAW Candidate Forum
On Monday, Oct. 23, from 6-8 PM, we will be broadcasting the forum featuring candidates for the Bozeman Mayor, City Commissioner, and City Judge seats. The forum is hosted by Bozeman: City for CEDAW and will be held via Zoom, and we are broadcasting the forum live on 95.9 FM or streaming at
The Health and Happiness that would normally air at 7:00 PM on Monday will air at 2:00 PM Monday – it features Eric Gale discussing activities the Local Elks’ Lodge have coming up.
High School Football
The fall football season has begun! We will be carrying home games with the Gallatin High Raptors and Bozeman High Hawks here on KGVM – Ian Laird will be calling the games each Friday evening starting at 7:00 PM. If you can’t make it down to Van Winkle Stadium, you can listen on 95.9 FM or stream the game on
If you are part of an organization or business that would like to sponsor our broadcasts of high school football, please email or call 406-624-6534. We’d greatly appreciate your assistance, and we will thank you during the games and during our regular broadcasts.
Ecotones coverage of Held vs. MT
Joy LaClaire has been recording the daily proceedings of the Montana Supreme Court trial in the case of Held vs. the State of Montana, a case brought against the state by sixteen young residents of Montana. They argue that the state’s support of the fossil fuel industry has played a decisive role in exacerbating the effects of climate change and its impact on the plaintiffs’ lives, thus denying their right to a “clean and healthful environment” as required by the Constitution of Montana. Each day, Joy produces a digest of highlights from the day’s proceedings in the trial for her Ecotones program. You can hear the digests daily on KGVM, or you can listen to the programs any time under Ecotones.