Desert Oracle Radio Replay

Roxanna selects episodes of Desert Oracle Radio to play for you each week, and adds her own thoughts and observations.

Episode Title Broadcast Date
102 Surrounded in the Night 2025-02-23
101 Alien Corpses of the Great Basin 2025-02-16
100 The Holy Rangers 2025-02-09
99 One Chants Out Between Two Worlds 2025-02-02
98 Encounters With Coyote Man 2025-01-26
97 Hills Are Filled With FIre 2025-01-19
96 Messages From the Old Gods 2025-01-12
95 Travel Options for the Apocalypse 2025-01-05
94 Shutdowns & Dateshakes / The Light Saw Me 2024-12-15
93 Christmas Amongst the Joshua Trees, Christmas in Death Valley (w/ the 49ers) 2024-12-22
92 Old Desert Regular Gnostic Advent Calendar 2024-12-15
91 Wildfires & Weird-Times – The Hungry Demo 2024-12-08
90 Ravens Quail and Turkeys & Desert Crack 2024-12-01
89 Desert Plaguesgiving and the Grouse & 2024-11-24
88 Concrete Jesus Desolation Peak 2024-11-17
87 Huehuecoyotl and the Canine Gods & 2024-11-10
86 Up From the Grave & The Witching Hour 2024-11-03
85 Strange Rituals of Halloweens Past 2024-10-27
84 Halloween Campfire Stories 2018 A.D. 2024-10-20/td>
83 Travels in Time & UFOs Over Joshua Tree 2024-10-13
82 Greenwashing the Great Basin & Lost Cities of the Desert Giants 2024-10-06
81 Ghost Riders & Death Valley Rangers 2024-09-29
80 In the Beginning was Gaia 2024-09-22
79 Beneath This September Moon & Blessed Are the Doomed 2024-09-15
78 Message Deleted & Be Like the Birds 2024-09-08
77 Secrets of the Superspectrum 2024-09-01
76 Dark Psychic Force 2024-08-25
75 Hot August Bites & Faces in the Windmills 2024-08-18
74 Floods in the Desert 2024-08-11
73 Mountain of the Stars 2024-08-04
72 Capricorn Full Moon & When Presidents Quit 2024-07-28
71 This Is Border Radio 2024-07-21
70 Dialogue of the Dogs & The Mystery Pig 2024-07-14
69 Haunted Petroglyph & Omen of the Raven 2024-07-07
68 Aliens and Green Fireballs 2024-06-30
67 A Midsummer Night’s Desert 2024-06-23
66 Slumgullion Stew 2024-06-16
65 High Desert Death & Death Valley Days 2024-06-09
64 Not the Day nor the Hour 2024-06-02
63 Call of the Blue Crow 2024-05-26
62 Campfire Nightmares 2024-05-19
61 These Enchanted Lands 2024-05-12
60 Materia Medica & Funeral for a Raven 2024-05-05
59 The Lost Kingdom of Nye & Happy Snakes 2024-04-28
58 Earth Day’s Hippie Killer & The Apostle of the Cacti 2024-04-21
57 Standing with the Giants at Mariposa Grove 2024-04-14
56 Coyotes in Springtime 2024-04-07
55 The Old, Weird America 2024-03-31
54 Trailed by Twenty Hounds 2024-03-24
53 Spooky Tales for the St. Patrick’s Storm 2024-03-17
52 The Voice of the Desert 2024-03-10
51 Make It Sacred 2024-03-03
50 The Killer of Willow Springs 2024-02-25
49 Among the Stately Trees / The Ballad of Mojo Nixon 2024-02-18
48 An Obituary for Wisdom / The Green Comet 2024-02-11
47 Yucca Man 2024-02-04
46 Desert Solitaire 2024-01-28
45 Murder on the California Backroad 2024-01-21
44 Skinwalker Ranch / What Is the Mojave? 2024-01-14
43 The Hermit’s Life 2024-01-07
42 Tales from Wonder Valley 2023-12-31
41 Solsticetime in the Desert 2023-12-24
40 Ode to Harry Oliver, King of the Desert 2023-12-17
39 This Sense of Place 2023-12-10
38 Trivia in the High Desert 2023-12-03
37 Songs for the Doomed 2023-11-26
36 Aliens, Marijuana, and Other Monsters 2023-11-19
35 Mojave Madness, Holy Harvest, and Return 2023-11-12
34 Intoxication of the Wilderness Walk 2023-11-05
33 Samhain Stories for All Hallow’s Eve 2023-10-29
32 Betwixt and Between the Eighth Tower 2023-10-22
31 Magic and Murder in the Desert 2023-10-15
30 Horrors of the Night 2023-10-08
29 Lycanthropes of the Desert 2023-10-01
28 The Autumn Tint of Gold 2023-09-24
27 Warriors, Poets, and Ravens & Mystery of the Desert 2023-09-17
26 The Landers Earthquake of 1992 2023-09-10
25 The Dowsing Rod 2023-09-03
24 Hurricane Hilary in the High Desert 2023-08-27
23 The Wild Beasts and Death Valley Junction 2023-08-20
22 Charlie Manson and the Barker Ranch 2023-08-13
21 Where They Built the Bomb and Waning Moon: UFOs and Their Pentagon Protagonists 2023-08-06
20 Missing Tourists – The UFO Experience 2023-07-30
19 Gram Parsons and the Phoenix Lights 2023-07-23
18 Roadrunner and Jesus Tree 2023-07-16
17 Hidden Things 2023-07-09
16 A Voice in the Desert / Duel in the Desert 2023-07-02
15 Strange Things Happening Every Day 2023-06-25
14 Antidote to Despair 2023-06-18
13 The Haunted Highway 2023-06-11
12 Thru Hiking with Tahquitz 2023-06-04
11 Space Radio – A Transmission 2023-05-28
10 Owl Eyes and Goofball Factor 2023-05-21
9 Wildflowers! 2023-05-14
8 The Nature of Color and Vision 2023-05-07
7 Encounter at Edwards AFB 2023-04-30
6 Who by Fire, Who by War 2023-04-23
5 Hoppy Easter 2023-04-16
4 Those Sinister Black Triangles 2023-04-09
3 Lost Treasure of Owens Lake 2023-03-26
2 Awe & Fear in the Holy Wilderness 2023-03-19
1 Wolf Woman, Wild Woman 2023-03-12
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