A collection of recordings of lectures, presentations, and other audio related to environmental issues.
The Future of Grizzlies and Wolves in Montana
On Fri., Oct. 18, 2024,the Montana Wildlife Federation, National Parks Conservation Association, The Cinnabar Foundation, and Gallatin Wildlife Association hosted a lecture by Drs. Chris Servheen and Doug Smith, with Todd Wilkinson moderating, in the Crawford Theater at the Emerson Cultural Center. The title of the talk was “The Future of Grizzlies and Wolves in Montana”.
The recording is split into two parts, the initial lecture then the following Q&A session.
Bill McKibben Lecture
On Tuesday, Sep. 10, 2024, The Montana League of Women Voters organized a presentation by author, educator, and environmentalist Bill McKibben, titled “A Desperate Moment – But an Exciting One: Can We Turn the Corner on Climate?” The lecture was presented at the Emerson center for the Arts and Culture.
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Nancy Leifer, President of the Montana League of Women Voters, opened the event, and Dr. Cathy Whitlock introduced Bill McKibben. Following the lecture, Dr. Whitlock facilitated a Q&A session with Bill. -
Dr. Jill Falcon Ramaker’s Montana Institute on Ecosystems lecture
On Thursday, Apr. 25, 2024, the Montana Institute on Ecosystems hosted the first talk in their spring 2024 Distinguished Lecture series in the SUB Ballroom on the MSU campus. The presentation titled “Circles and Straight Lines: An Indigenous Environmental History of the Buffalo Food System” was given by Dr. Jill Falcon Ramaker.
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Mainstream and Grass Roots Environmentalism
On Friday, Sep. 8, 2023, Joseph Scalia III talked to members of the Gallatin Wilderness Association about two factions within the environmental movement, the mainstream environmental groups and the grass roots groups and laid out some of the problems he perceives with each of their approaches. The event was held at the Beall Park Art Center in Bozeman.
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