Bozeman Parks and Trails Special District

The title for an MSU Wonderlust Friday Forum on March 13, 2020, was “Bozeman City Parks and Trails Maintenance Referendum – What is it? Who will pay for it?” If approved in the upcoming ballot in April, the proposed Parks and Trails Special District would authorize the City to levy annual assessments on real property within the city limits for the purpose of providing maintenance of City-owned or maintained parks and trails, including those currently maintained by private entities such as property owners’ associations.

Participating were Bozeman Mayor Chris Mehl, former Mayor Jeff Krauss, and moderator Sally Maison. Mehl and Krauss made opening statements regarding the proposed Parks and Trails District. This was followed by a lively question and answer session with the audience.

Recorded at the Bozeman Public Library on March 13, 2020.

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