BPL Board of Trustees Parking Lot Meeting

At 4:00 on the afternoon of November 15, 2023, the Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees held a public meeting in the library’s newly remodeled Community Room to discuss the proposed leasing of the west side of the parking lot to the New York based developer, Left Lane.

Left Lane had proposed to lease it for $1/year for 75 years with an option to renew for another 75 years. In their presentation to the Board, they said that they would be responsible for building and maintaining a garage on the land currently occupied by 146 spaces, and they would create 270 spaces for the library, in addition to 154 spaces for their proposed large, mixed use development of a hotel, condos, restaurant and other uses.

KGVM was there to record for our listeners and posterity the proceedings attended by an overflow crowd of over 200 people. There were at least 2 Bozeman City Policemen, and the crowd was so large, spilling into the hallway, where unfortunately they could not hear the proceedings, that a Fire Marshall had to control entry into the room. Many had signs against the proposal, which they held up against the interior and exterior windows.

The recording begins with Library Board Chairman, Stewart Mohr, explaining the proceedings, followed by a presentation from the Left Lane developers, Casey Tippens and Andy Bernard. This was followed by questions from the Board, primarily from member, Mike Redburn.

Then, the Board heard public comments from over 30 Gallatin Valley citizens. Those comments begin at about 24 minutes into the recording and extend to about the 1 hour and 14 minutes mark, when Board member, Pam Henley, made a motion not to proceed any further with the Left Lane proposal. After discussion by Pam Henley in support of her motion and the other Board members, including Jan Pawlak, Ken Spencer and Mike Redburn, Chairman Stewart Mohr, called for a vote on the motion, which passed unanimously to rousing applause by the audience members.

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